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PICC/CVC Securement Device + Tegaderm I.V. Advanced Securement Dressing

$10.85 - $868.19

Brands:: 3M

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PICC/CVC Securement Device + Tegaderm I.V. Advanced Securement Dressing. Overall Device Size = 2 in x 2-1/8 in.- Overall Dressing Size = 4 in x 6-1/8 in. Sutureless securement device silicone adhesive holds securely yet allows for gentle- alcohol-free removal. Application of the device is aided through absence of mechanical doors or wings. The device utilizes a water-resistant soft-cloth material that is perforated for additonal breathability. The Tegaderm I.V. Advanced securement dressing transparent film provides continuous site observation as well as a water-proof- sterile barrier to external contaminants. Adhesive-free tabs minimize potential for the product to stick to gloves or to itself and allow for one-handed delivery of the securement tape strip. A reinforced stabilization border maximizes dressing securement- breathability and wear time. A pre-printed tape strip helps users document dressing changes. The system accomodates the majority of PICC and short-term CVC catheters up to and including 12 French. Sterile- latex-free and can be worn up to seven days.

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